11-24-2022, 05:53 AM
Hi there. I'm currently using Curvy 8.3.0 with Unity 2021.3.10f1 and I think I might have stumbled across a bug when drawing splines in the scene view. Might be a bit hard to explain with words, but I'll give it a shot... I could send a short video for you if that helps. Here's what I've noticed:
Hopefully that makes sense. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and this is expected behavior, but I don't recall the behavior on version 7 of Curvy (I upgraded to version 8 a little while ago). Any thoughts?
- If I have an object selected in the hierarchy of the scene and I use Draw Spline (I'm using the XY plane), I can place control points with Ctrl pressed and create a spline of any length. Once I'm finished drawing, I can use my scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in/out on the scene and the spline remains a consistent size. When selecting the main Spline parent object that contains the control points, it has relative Transform values compared to the object selected in the hierarchy (e.g. hierarchy object is at X 400, Y 500, Z 100, spline parent is at X -400, Y -500, Z -100). I can drag the spline parent out of the selected hierarchy object and it remains the same in scale and has adjusted Transform values to keep it the same.
- If I have no object selected in the hierarchy of the scene (so the created spline object is a root object for the scene), I get some really interesting scaling issues with the spline. Once I draw the control points, the root spline object appears to adopt a Transform Z value based on the viewing scale of the camera... if I'm zoomed out and draw the spline, it's a large negative value but if I zoom in close and draw the spline, it uses a smaller negative Z value or positive value, based on how far I'm zoomed in. Then if you zoom in/out, the spline size drastically changes... zooming out just a bit makes the spline really small and zooming in a bit makes it disappear from the camera view.
Hopefully that makes sense. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and this is expected behavior, but I don't recall the behavior on version 7 of Curvy (I upgraded to version 8 a little while ago). Any thoughts?