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Some strange issue with generator

Hello there, 

I have a small issue that i do not know how to solve on the generated mesh that the generator creates. 

The mesh does not seem to follow the placement of the spline as it should. Thus this means that if i have a player that runs on the track that i am creating with the generator it will seem as if he is flying some times or digging into the ground. 

I thought it may be my issue in the start but i checked my track again and again and it seems that the mesh that is generated is behaving a bit weird when there is a 3D space orientation for the creation of the track followed. 

Check screenshots to understand the problem better.


One more screenshot to make it a bit clear.
I am not sure i have found a solution about this.

But i think it is my bad understanding of the plugin so far.

I think this may be happening because i created way to many sloppy CPs with really weird angles against each other.

If i disable the auto handles and i try to make them myself then it seems that i can correct this issue.

Pardon my sillyness.
No worries.
If you can send me a scene, I will take a look at it and try to find exactly what happened
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(01-06-2019, 07:07 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: No worries.
If you can send me a scene, I will take a look at it and try to find exactly what happened

Should i apply the package here?
The forum is public, so you might prefer to send it via mail
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What you saw is because of the difference between the spline curvature and the polygonal mesh that was created to follow it. Here is an exaggerated example I drawn of a curved slope. In black is the curved spline, and in red a very low poly approximation of it
So, to avoid that you will have to increment your mesh's density. This is something you can tune in the Shape Extrusion module. For example, when changing the Angle Threshold to 0.2, I had this result:


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OH yes i think you are right. That is why i said before that i might be a little noobish in my question before. Yeah i have to read up more of the documentation i guess before asking.

Thanks a lot for spending time with my issue. What you said makes perfectly sense.
No worries.
You are welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions
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Hello all of you.. i am new here and i have face same issue while installing plugin
This issue was already answered to. Here is the answer
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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