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I want to know how many times the texture repeats.
I am generating a mesh in Curvy Generator using Volume Mesh.

I would like to know how many repeats of the material texture I have assigned to the generated mesh.

[Image: light.dotup.org64565.png]

I know that the above would probably be about 6.5 repeats, but I am unable to calculate it properly.
The total length of the path is 240m, the total length of the shape is 19.14484m, and the texture is 512x512, but I don't know what I am missing in calculating 6.5 from this.

I have selected Scale V for Keep Aspect in the Volume Mesh material.
UV Scale is X=1,Y=1.

If you have any hints that might help us in our calculations, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
(Aspect ratios used internally by Curvy Spline, etc)
Thank you in advance.

Version is Curvy Splines 8.7.1.
The reason I am asking this question is because I am changing the mainTextureOffset of the material in a script to achieve UV scrolling.
I ask because I need to match the UV scrolling speed with the scrolling speed in Unity's 3D space, and this calculation is necessary in the process.
The number of repeating with your setting should be equal to 240/19.14, which is roughly 12. I can't think of a reason for why you have only 6. The code responsible for those calculations is located at the SamplePointsMaterialGroupCollection.CalculateAspectCorrection method, in the ToolBuddy\Assets\Curvy\Scripts\CG\SamplePointsMaterialGroupCollection.cs file.
Feel free to send me your reproduction case so I can dive into it if needed.
Have a nice day
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Thank you for your response.
I currently have the Scale for Shape Extrusion set to 10 for both XY, but when I change it, the number of textures changes, so I am wondering if this might be affecting it.
For now, I'll try trial and error based on that hint!
(09-09-2023, 11:25 PM)yanke Wrote: Thank you for your response.
I currently have the Scale for Shape Extrusion set to 10 for both XY, but when I change it, the number of textures changes, so I am wondering if this might be affecting it.
For now, I'll try trial and error based on that hint!

The Volume Mesh module has a "Unscale U" setting. This allows you the U coordinate to compensate the scaling.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy. This will help a lot keeping Curvy relevant in the eyes of the Asset Store algorithm.
Thanks again for your advice regarding "Unscale U."
I followed the code a bit.
I am happy to report that I was able to find the number of texture iterations with the following code.

public static float GetTextureRepeatCountV(out Material mat)
    BuildVolumeMesh volumeMesh = VolumeMesh;

    // Get the Material being set
    mat = volumeMesh.GetMaterial(0);

    // Get UV Scale
    CGMaterialSettingsEx matSetting = volumeMesh.MaterialSettings[0];
    Vector2 uvScale = matSetting.UVScale;

    // Obtain the vertical aspect ratio of the texture
    CGVMesh vMesh = (CGVMesh)volumeMesh.OutVMesh.Data[0];
    float aspectCorrectionV = vMesh.UVs[vMesh.UVs.Count - 1].y;

    return mat.mainTextureScale.y * (uvScale.y * aspectCorrectionV);

I'm a little aggressive in asking for "aspectCorrectionV," but that probably won't be a problem.
I have also confirmed that UV scrolling is possible using the above code.

public static void ScrollV()
    // Get the number of V iterations of the texture
    float textureRepeatCountV = GetTextureRepeatCountV(out Material mat);

    // UV scrolling
    mat.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0, -ScrollTf * textureRepeatCountV);

I confirmed that the speeds also match those of other objects in 3D space.
The "ScrollTf" is a value between 0.0 and 1.0. In reality, I am running the code with a few more tweaks.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to do.
Thanks for the great support!
You are welcome.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy. This will help a lot keeping Curvy relevant in the eyes of the Asset Store algorithm.

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