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Error when trying to connect nodes in prefab edit mode
I discovered an error when trying to connect nodes in runtime when prefab editor is open.

[Curvy] Couldn't find Curvy Global Manager. Please raise a bug report.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
FluffyUnderware.DevTools.DTLog:LogError (object) (at Assets/Plugins/ToolBuddy/Dependencies/DevTools/Classes/DTUtility.cs:914)
FluffyUnderware.Curvy.CurvyConnection:Create (FluffyUnderware.Curvy.CurvySplineSegment[]) (at Assets/Plugins/ToolBuddy/Assets/Curvy/Scripts/Splines/Connections/CurvyConnection.cs:148)
Lupos.TowerBreak.TowerBreakDefence.Props.Prop.Modules.PropSpline.PropSplineBuilderMb:ApplyConnection (Lupos.TowerBreak.TowerBreakDefence.Props.Prop.Modules.PropSpline.PropSplineNodeGenerator.SplineControlNodeMb) (at Assets/Lupos/TowerBreak/TowerBreakDefence/Scripts/Props/Prop/Modules/PropSpline/PropSplineBuilderMb.cs:181)
Lupos.TowerBreak.TowerBreakDefence.Props.Prop.Modules.PropSpline.PropSplineBuilderMb:ApplyConnections (Lupos.TowerBreak.TowerBreakDefence.Props.Prop.PropMb) (at Assets/Lupos/TowerBreak/TowerBreakDefence/Scripts/Props/Prop/Modules/PropSpline/PropSplineBuilderMb.cs:160)
Lupos.TowerBreak.TowerBreakDefence.Props.Prop.Modules.PropSpline.PropSplineBuilderMb/<>c__DisplayClass25_0:<Build>b__2 () (at Assets/Lupos/TowerBreak/TowerBreakDefence/Scripts/Props/Prop/Modules/PropSpline/PropSplineBuilderMb.cs:138)
Doozy.Runtime.Global.Coroutiner/<DelayExecutionToTheNextFrame>d__15:MoveNext () (at Assets/Doozy/Runtime/Global/Coroutiner.cs:147)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

What version of Curvy Splines where you using?

From reading the stack, I see that Curvy Splines does not find the _CurvyGlobal_ object, and could not create it. The latter happens as far as I know either while destroying a scene, or when in prefab mode. Were you in one of these situations?
If you can provide more information and/or reproduction case, I will hopefully be able to fix the issue.
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Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.
Version: Curvy Splines 8.6.1
And yes as the op stated, it was in the prefab editor.
Sorry, my bad. I will take a look at this issue very soon. If you can easily send me a reproduction case, please do that will make the debugging process easier and faster.
Thanks and have a nice day
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.

Creating connections while in prefab mode is not allowed. This is an unfortunate consequence of how things were designed initially:
The issue comes from the fact that connections are stored in a separate object, the _CurvyGlobal_ object which has a component of type CurvyGlobalManager. Because of this, creating a connection in prefab mode is not allowed, since it would modify an object that exists outside of the prefab.

A work around for this limitation could be to make your script check if it is running in prefab mode (PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() != null) and create the connections only when not in prefab mode.

The error message you got was misleading. Sorry for that, I will correct the message in the next update.

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