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Support for "Fast Enter Play Mode" via "No Domain Reload"

As you may know, Unity introduced a feature called "fast enter play mode" a while ago. When the user enable this feature, they do it by skipping the domain reload operation when going in and out of play mode in Unity editor. Thou, implementation of our games and 3rd parties we use need to be adjusted to be able to support this feature.

This feature "no domain reloading" will be mandatory in upcoming Unity versions when they complete upgrading Unity to modern .NET which doesn't support "domains" anymore.

As far as I know, many people were able to use this fast enter play mode in their projects but I was hesitant. Due to various reasons, it's time for me to switch to the new system.

When I tried my game in play mode with domain reloading disabled, it looks working fine (I haven't tested deeply yet) but I get an error from Curvy saying:
[DevTools] DTSingleton instance was null. This happens if the instance is destroyed by the user, which is not a supported operation. If you did not destroy the singleton's instance, then please fill a bug report.

I investigated this and the error is caused by static applicationIsQuitting in DTSingleton class. It's value remains true after exiting play mode and the next time we go into playmode, the error happens.

Do you plan to fix Curvy by adding support for "fast enter play mode" feature?
Or did you already fix it in a version which I don't have yet?
(I don't know which version I'm on. I couldn't find that info in a quick glance)

Thank you.
This feature is supported since Curvy 8.5.0. Here is the full release notes:
To know what version you use, head to the Curvy Splines toolbar, then Curvy Options, then Info:
I hope this helped.
Have a nice day.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.
Hello again. I just bought Curvy 8 but there is a problem on Asset Store. I received the invoice in my email but I can't download the asset.

Can you email me from your email address please? Then I can send you the invoice, later you can send me the package.
Nevermind. The system fixed itself after many hours. I'll try the new version now. Thank you.
The new version seem to be working fine. Thank you very much for everything.
(11-25-2023, 08:17 PM)XtroTheArctic Wrote: The new version seem to be working fine. Thank you very much for everything.
Glad to read this. Have a nice day.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.

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