01-19-2018, 03:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2018, 03:24 PM by syscrusher.)
(01-18-2018, 05:51 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi,
There are two things that will help greatly Curvy's development that I would like to ask you:
1- You might have in your projects added some enhancements to Curvy to fit your custom needs, fix a bug, or enhance the performances .
2- In the last few months before ToolBuddy acquired Curvy, the reviews in Curvy's asset store page were mostly negative.
Hello, Aka!
I would be altogether glad to help on either point, but unfortunately there is not much I can contribute. Specifically:
- When I use purchased assets, I deliberately try hard not to customize the source code unless I really need to. This is so I can be maximally compatible with future versions of the asset. I do freely *subclass* to add functionality, however. In my current project, I have been fortunate that I have not had to customize anything, other than adding the script that I have shared. I hereby give you permission to use that script, or to adapt your own version of it, in future versions if you wish. If the MIT License is a problem for that, let me know and I'll re-release it with a Creative Commons license. I realize this example is specific to Relative mode, because that's what works best for this sort of usage. It may not make sense to make this method "part of Curvy", but you're welcome to publish it in a demo as an example outside the main source tree. In other words, if it's helpful, use it. If not, I'm not offended.
The script I posted has been tested with Timeline and Cinemachine in Unity 2017.3.0f3. My overall project is huge, in the 5 GB range, so it's not feasible to send you that, but if you haven't yet had time to learn Timeline I'd be glad to extract out a simplified test scene and send you that. Let me know if that would help. If you already know Timeline, then my little scene would not be that useful to you.
I will go back and look at my other large Curvy project, and I'll see if any of my subclasses might be useful outside that specific project. If so, I'll send you the source code. There's nothing in that project that can't be shared. It was a fairly complex scene, but even so it was an internal proof-of-concept and not commercially published.
- I've already done a five-star review for this awesome asset, and in fact my review is currently in the "top three" that show by default. I will, however, go amend my review with an update on my current project.