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Use wave shader with extruded meshes

I am trying to use simple sin wave shader for mesh that was extruded using generator, but i realized that the vertices wasn't moving at all . I checked the normal and tangents for generator and make sure that Normal are enabled. Also I removed auto update from generator but the vertices are still and wasn't moving at all.

I tried the same shader on other 3d objects like planes and it was working and moving the vertices but on extruded mesh it wasn't . I am wondering is it possible to use that shader with extruded meshes or i have to export mesh and then use the shader on them?
Does the shader work on the exported mesh?
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Yes it did work when i exported the generator mesh in scene.
Never mind I think i will use export method. to achieve that effect. or if needed i will make very simple 3d surfaces on Maya then i will use the shader with it .
Since it worked, that excludes the scenario where the generated mesh has missing data. I don't see any obvious reason to point out. Does the module creating the mesh have Make Static set to true?
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