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Gradually rendering paths
Hi! Smile I started learning Curvy recently, and I need help figuring something out.

I have a 2D top-down project where I render paths along splines on a map screen. Currently, I use CurvyLineRenderer to generate simple solid lines as paths on the map.

I want to be able to render paths gradually from 0% to 100% of the spline. I thought of subdividing control points very finely, and turning CurvySplineSegments visible and invisible, but that would be choppy and probably inefficient. Is there a property of the spline or the renderer that I could set, that would make the path render up to X%? If so, then I could use it in a tween. Can you advise me on the best way to go about this?
Curvy Line Renderer is basically just getting points from a spline and feeding them to a regular Unity's Line Renderer.
In CurvyLineRenderer.Refresh, you have this line that gets the spline's points:
var vts = Spline.GetApproximation(Space.World);
(sorry for the poorly named local variable)
that variable is an array. You can do whatever you want with it, like reducing its size.
Have a nice day
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Hi Aka! Thanks a lot for the quick and informative response!
You are welcome
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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