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Upcoming changes to the Metadata API

Curvy has a Metadata feature that allows you to store custom data in Control Points.
Right now, that feature has some issues and its API is not straight forward. In the next Curvy version, the 6.0.0, these issues will be fixed, and a simplification of the associated API will be started.

In order to avoid making your custom Metadata classes not compile after updating Curvy to 6.0.0, this simplification will be done in multiple steps, on multiple releases:
  • First, both the old and new API will cohabit in Curvy 6.0.0. So once you will download that version, all your custom Metadata classes will still be working, but you will notice multiple warnings when compiling. These warnings are triggered by the usage of obsolete classes/interfaces from the API. Those messages explain to you what you need to do in order to use the newest API members.
  • Later in the future, a version 7.0.0 of Curvy will be released. In that version, all that obsolete code will be removed. So before updating to 7.0.0, make sure that you have no more obsolete related warnings when compiling your code.
The Metadata documentation will be updated once Curvy 6.0.0 is released.

Please let me know if you have any questions
Have a nice day
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