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Adding multiple splines to one connection
Hello again, as the title says I want to connect multiple splines to one connection - in code.
Now I can make a connection via code as you kindly guided me in this thread

SO i have multiple objects each with their own spline & I am trying to make the last segment (last visible control point) of each object be part of the connection with seg.

when the first object  runs the code below it works fine, it's just when I try to run the script  again with other objects that it doesn't work as intended. What happens is a separate connection is made & there is no follow on spline. 
What I think I need to do is check if the control point has a connection (but don't know how)
then add a control point to that connection.

How could I do that please

So I make my connection like this :
CurvyConnection conn = CurvyConnection.Create ( spline_push.LastVisibleControlPoint,seg);
To get an existing connection of a control point, use CurvySplineSegment.Connection
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