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smooth connection of two splines.
Great plugin! Thanks for your work.
Just starting to figure it out. But I just can not realize such a thing. I spawn the pre-made splines of which create the path along which the spaceship is flying. On their connection, I create a connection, set the flags for synchronizing position and rotation. So I set the pivot point for the spline to the first point, trying to rotate the next spline relative to the angle of rotation of the last and first point of the splines (baked orientation). But just can not connect them seamlessly. the position is the same but with the angle all the time something is wrong. Is there any way to precisely rotation the next spline?
A bit of visualization in the attachment )

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Thank you, for the compliment. Glad you like it.
Can you send me the scene please?
Thanks and have a nice day
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The solution is to compute the second spline's orientation in such way that the last tangent of the first spline is alligned with the first tangent of the second. I will PM you with a modified version of your code
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Dear _Aka_

Sorry to revive an old post.

But is it possible to share that solution ?

I've tried to use CurvyConenctions to link two points from different splines, however I do not know how to alter their respective tangents to achieve the desired effect as explained by Lukango.

Thanks in advance for your time.
Kind Regards

Here is the relevant part of the code I send to Lukango

//Refresh splines to have the tangent information available and up to date

var lastTangent = lastSpline.transform.TransformDirection(lastSpline.GetTangent(1));
var firstTangent = newSpline.transform.TransformDirection(newSpline.GetTangent(0));
//rotate the newSpline so that its first tangent aligns with lastSpline's last tangent
newSpline.transform.rotation = newSpline.transform.rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(firstTangent, lastTangent);

Is it clear to you?
Have a nice day
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(09-11-2019, 10:13 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi,
Here is the relevant part of the code I send to Lukango

//Refresh splines to have the tangent information available and up to date

var lastTangent = lastSpline.transform.TransformDirection(lastSpline.GetTangent(1));
var firstTangent = newSpline.transform.TransformDirection(newSpline.GetTangent(0));
//rotate the newSpline so that its first tangent aligns with lastSpline's last tangent
newSpline.transform.rotation = newSpline.transform.rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(firstTangent, lastTangent);

Is it clear to you?
Have a nice day

Dear Aka,

Thanks for the code, it does makes sense. 

All the best
Thank you
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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