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Connection does not work
There was such problem. I created the connection, everything is fine, but my game object just does not want to switch to the second spline Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation  I tried all possible methods, I found nothing interesting in the documentation. To the post I attach screenshots, I would like to receive feedback as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for the help. - screenshot

So if I understand your issue: you have a spline controller traveling on a spline, but when it reaches the connection, it doesn't not continue on the connected spline. Correct me if I am wrong.
To be able to answer, I need you to tell me which version of Curvy you use.
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The latest version of Curvy from Asset Store is used
Ok. Then you can find on this link the documentation that would help you:
If this doesn't help, please send me a scene reproducing your issue so I can dig into it.
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I'm working now switching randomly, how to do what would work like on the stage with the train. Where the offset to another spline is clicked.
I'm implementing my handler and so on, the main thing for me to understand is where to specify that this cube would move either directly or in the side, depending on the tick
In a nutshell:
- Train Car Manager (TrainCarManager.cs) adds a listener to the OnControlPointReached event of Spline Controller
- In that event listner, if the reached control point has a junction meta data (MDJunctionControl.cs) , it reads its value and selects the new spline accordingly.
- The UI tick is made using Unity's UI, and it updates the junction meta data.
You can always check how the scene 12_Train.unity is set up to see precisely how things work.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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