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[Quick and dirty] Shape Extrusion: interpolate between multiple Crosses
Hi everyone,

I wrote a modified version of the the Shape Extrusion CG module as an answer to a request of a Curvy user, and thought that maybe some of you might find it useful, so I am posting it here.

With the modified Shape Extrusion, you can attach multiples crosses, and use the Crosses Mixer in the Cross tab to select how to interpolate through them. Read the mixer's tooltip to know how to use it. The used interpolation is a simple SLerp.

This modified module is just some quick implementation of an idea. Its code and UI does not reach the level of quality needed to be shipped with the official Curvy release. Using this module is subject to some constraints. The console will let you know what to do if you meet one of these constraints.

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Hi !
So this is a patch for Git I guess, can you provide the final code instead ?
Also is there a place where we can find all the extensions not shipped with curvy ?
Thank you !
(07-27-2018, 01:44 AM)Anthonyk Wrote: So this is a patch for Git I guess, can you provide the final code instead ?
Since this forum is public, I avoid putting Curvy's source code on it. I will send you the code via mail.

(07-27-2018, 01:44 AM)Anthonyk Wrote: Also is there a place where we can find all the extensions not shipped with curvy ?
There is no such place. This patch is the only one I shared. If I have another one to share in the future, I will post in on the forum too, with the same [Quick and dirty] tag. I might centralize them in a specific place once there are enough of them.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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Thank you so much @_Aka_ !!
(07-27-2018, 01:41 PM)Anthonyk Wrote: Thank you so much @_Aka_ !!
My pleasure
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.
Hi!  I just bought Curvy and I need this cross interpolation also.  I was wondering, is this feature going to be implemented in the code in the near future or will it remain a patch?
Can you please send me the patch source code by email?  Thanks!  Big Grin
Hi ChivalrousGames,
I will send it to you via mail too.
The feature, as implemented in the code that this forum thread is about (i.e being part of the Shape Extrusion module), will never be released. It will be released though as its own CG module.
Until now, shape's extrusion uses the same shape along the whole extrusion (plus optional variable scaling). I am working on changing that, and allowing a variable shape through the extrusion. I am also making various modules that will generate variable shapes. Interpolating between different shapes is the aim of one these modules.
Unfortunately I can't give you a release date for this feature since I don't know it myself. What is sure is that it will not be part of the next release, which would be a minor update.
If the code I will send you (the old implementation) doesn't allow you to do what you need from it, let me know and I will see what I can do about it.
Have a nice day
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.
Hi Aka,
Thanks a lot for the quick reply, the valuable information and the source code! I understand completely the "I can't give you a date", as an Asset Store publisher myself, I know how these things go. I just happy to know that cool new features are coming. Smile
Thanks again for everything!

Just grabbed Curvy and was a wondering how to do blended cross sections. After a lucky forum search I grabbed your package and it's implemented even better than I was hoping.

Thanks a lot for adding this.

I'm excited to start working out how to script this stuff now. Smile
Thanks for your message.
The example scene 27_CGVariableExtrusion should be helpful for you.
Have a nice day
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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