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Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!

I bought Curvy specifically so I could animate an object along a spline using Playmaker.

I downloaded the Playmaker Custom Actions from

The Actions 'CurvyMoveAlongSpline' and 'CurvyMoveAlongSplineDistance' are both missing in the Action Browser.

I appear to have everything else, but these 2 (which I need more than any other) are not there. Please advise ASAP - I'm stuck until I fix this!


Unity 5.5.1f1
Do others using Curvy and Playmaker have these actions? I've attached a screenshot to show that they are not in my Custom Actions folder.

I desperately need these actions to finish a project I'm working on. I bought Curvy through the Asset Store, and downloaded the Playmaker actions through the FluffyUnderware site. The 2 actions I need most just aren't there!

I submitted a bug report, but I have not heard back from the dev as of yet.

If someone who has these actions would be willing to email them to me, PLEASE send me a private message - I'll be forever in your debt!

I need 'CurvyMoveAlongSpline' and 'CurvyMoveAlongSplineDistance'.


[Image: CurvyActions_zpsnysr5ujj.jpg]

Please, if someone here has these actions, I would very much appreciate it if you'd email them to me!

If you look at this page, it clearly shows 'CurvyMoveAlongSpline' as an included action, but it did not come with the download:

[Image: CurvyMoveAlongSpline.png]

   GameObject - the object you want to move
   Spline - the spline to use
   Approximate Position - whether the position should be taken from a lineary interpolated cache value or calculated precisely
   Initial Position - the initial TF value
   Position - let's you input a TF value. This is optional, as the action keeps track of it's TF internally
   Move by world units - if checked Speed will refer to world units instead of TF
   Speed - the speed either relative (TF) or absolute (world units)
   Clamping - what to do if the object reach the spline's end
   Set Orientation - check to align the object to the spline (transform.up of the object will be aligned to the spline's Up-Vector)
   Store Result - let's you store the new TF value
You should use the latest actions for the current Curvy version (2.X), which can be found here: (both actions and example packages)

CurvyMoveAlongSpline doesn't exist anymore, instead you interact with regular Curvy controllers or retrieve values directly by querying a spline.


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