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Volume Spots problem with spacing
I have a problem with the distance of objects between. On some objects the space is good and on some it doesn't work at all . Object Pivot point is in the center.
Here are the pictures with correct
[Image: gM8C4WZ]

Here is another  example with same settings 
[Image: rtw6mX4]

Here is another  example with same settings and we can see it's dosn't works correctly . If I reduce the spacing bettwen then the objects start to overlap
[Image: SJ3WRHd]
Do your objects have colliders that extend beyond the volume taken by the mesh?
If not, can you provide the files needed to reproduce the issue?
Thank you
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Hi. Sorry for not writing back for so long. The problem was on my part. Everything is working now .
Thank you for your help
You are welcome, and thank you for the update.
If and when you feel like it, please leave a review for the asset, that helps a lot.
Have a nice day
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
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