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Box Collider Alignment

My box colliders aren't aligning with the meshes after generation, is there something I need to set up for this to work properly?

I got a bonus question - is there a way to set the generator to assign rendering layer masks to the mesh renderer?

1- I will take a look at it tomorrow. Willl keep you updated.
2- In the Create GameObject module, you have a layer property:
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(10-18-2024, 12:14 AM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi
1- I will take a look at it tomorrow. Willl keep you updated.
2- In the Create GameObject module, you have a layer property:
Have a nice day

1. Thanks, waiting for an update!

2. I know about object layers but rendering layer masks are different, they are set in URP Global Settings, mostly used for lights and decals. It's not a big deal, I can run a script that configures it after generation but was just wondering if there was a setting for it somewhere maybe

Thank you for your patience.

1- This behavior happens when rotating meshes/Objects using the Properties section of the Input Meshes or Input GameObjects module. If you Rotate section of the Volume Spots module, the bounding box gets rotated too. Can you confirm that this indeed solves the issue.

2- There is no setting for rendering layer, sorry.

Have a nice day
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(10-18-2024, 06:13 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi,

Thank you for your patience.

1- This behavior happens when rotating meshes/Objects using the Properties section of the Input Meshes or Input GameObjects module. If you Rotate section of the Volume Spots module, the bounding box gets rotated too. Can you confirm that this indeed solves the issue.

2- There is no setting for rendering layer, sorry.

Have a nice day

The example screenshot from my first post is when the rotation is at zero, by default without me touching anything, just setting up a basic mesh to follow a spline. If I rotate the input mesh then the box collider aligns properly but then it doesn't follow the spline correctly as shown here:

If I try to use the Rotation section of the Volume Spots module, nothing happens when trying to change the rotation using any of the modes. 

What works is to rotate the generated mesh by the negative value of the Input Meshes rotation, that aligns the mesh back to the spline while also keeping the right box collider but I feel like the Volume Spots module should do that but the rotation section doesn't do anything for any of my deformed meshes.
Edit: Actually this doesn't work either, the box collider goes bad when the spline rotates the mesh:

Here's the full example generator, is this how it should look to work? (The Volume Spots rotation doesn't do anything, regardless of the settings)
Can you send me a reproduction case, so that I can work on this on my PC?
Also, was the 3d model created by you or anyone you work with?
Thank you
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