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Extrapolate past curve endpoint
Hi - I'm using Curvy for animation purposes and I'd like to have the ability for an object to shoot past the endpoint of the curve slightly.

Basically, this kind of curve:

[Image: curves_elastic_out.gif]

I can think of a couple ways to workaround this limitation. For example, I can measure the length of the curve, base the animation off that length, and then dynamically add another node along the tangent of the curve at the endpoint, so there's a bit of extra distance to play with for the animation.

Just wondering if there's an easy built-in way to accomplish this, or if I need to script up the solution myself.
Sorry, there is no such feature built-in. You will hae to script it. You will probably have to use the tangent at the last point of the spline to know where to extend your movement. Use yourSpline.GetTangent(1) to do so.
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Figured, thanks for the confirmation!
You are welcome.
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