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Train-Wagon Wheels
Hi, is there any script from curvy splines like  E12_Train Manager script or  E12_Train Car Manager script that affects the rotation of the wheels?
I have train and wagons that are driven from splines and i am using the  E12_Train Car Manager script and  E12_Train Manager script, so far so good. 
What should i do in order to have their wheels rotated?
What rotation are we talking about, the spinning of the wheels that depends on the speed of the train?
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If so, there is no such rotation included in the above scripts. You can do the rotation easily by adding a script that applies the rotation based on the controllers' Speed property. Make the rotated 3D model of the wheel a child of the controller, that way you can modify your rotation without the controller interfering with it.
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(07-08-2024, 05:23 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: If so, there is no such rotation included in the above scripts. You can do the rotation easily by adding a script that applies the rotation based on the controllers' Speed property. Make the rotated 3D model of the wheel a child of the controller, that way you can modify your rotation without the controller interfering with it.
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Yes thank you very much!

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