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Curvy discards Input Spline Range

I have an issue when using the Input Spline Path module. I am using one Path spline, and multiple Input Spline Path nodes that all reference that same path, but different ranges on that path, to generate a circuit.

Now the issue I have is, I can build the ranges just fine and see them shown. But as soon as I press play, or I leave the scene for another scene and come back, Curvy will discard all my ranges, pumping out errors:

The things is, I have double checked the control points, and they are all correct. When I initially set up the range, everything works.
I even tried exporting the mesh right away, and it does work as intended if exported.

But I need to be able to save the changes to the scene normally to use the generator dynamically to design circuits. But I can't do that with ranges so far, as the exceptions thrown discard all my ranges.

I'd be happy to provide any information or logs needed.

What version of Curvy Splines do you use?
Also, can you send a reproduction case?
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.
(11-22-2023, 11:34 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi
What version of Curvy Splines do you use?
Also, can you send a reproduction case?

I am using Unity 2022.3.8f1.
I believe my version of Curvy is 8.6.1
Here is a prefab I made of my Curvy generator:

Steps I took to get there:
1) Create a scene, with a Curvy Generator that has components like this:
I do not know if the other components are relevent. What I would try is to have this minimum stack:
3 Input Spline paths, 2 input spline Shapes,  3 shape extrusion, 3 volume mesh, 3 volume caps, 1 create mesh.

2) Connect the nodes. You want a path that goes like this:
Where the = is one track shape, and --- is another track shape.
So, your first InputSpline Path should cover the first part of the track, the second one covers the different shaped part, and the third part covers the whole track (to do the last part).
Be sure to input the ranges to reflect that on the paths. So first Path goes say, 0 to 2, then second one is 2 to 3, then the last one is 0 to 4.

Now you want to have each of those path linked into a shape extrusion. The first and last input path are linked to the first shape extrusion, and the thinner part to a different one.
All shape extrusions have their own set of Volume Mesh and Volume Caps connected. And all Volume Mesh and Volume Caps are connected to the same Create Mesh.
It looks like this:

3) Ensure that you are now generating a mesh that is visible on screen.
Ensure that the result you get matches the example above, the =======---------======= shaped road.

4) Save the scene.

5) Now try clicking play. Curvy should spit out errors and discard your ranges.
Also try changing to a different scene, and coming back to this one to see the same result.

That's what I did.

That bug was fixed in version 8.7.0. The issue should be resolved by getting the latest version of Curvy Splines. If the issue persists, please let me know.

If and when you feel like it, please leave a review for the asset, that helps a lot.
Have a nice day.
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy, this helps immensely. Thank you.
Available for freelance work—feel free to reach out.

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