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Would you so kind and FIX the ISO/Perspective bug as asoon as possible

in the current version curvy has a menu bug while switching from ISO to PERSP.
The menu elements are not at the corrent position and NOT clickable.

This is total anoiying.

Kind regards
Roger Cabo
(Henry Ford) Each hour more of searching is each hour less of your live time.

Hi Roger,

I tested with Unity 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 and couldn't reproduce that bug. In each version, I selected a spline to show the toolbar and switched the SceneView from Perspective (default) to ISO and back to Perspective several times - the toolbar kept it's position and was fully usable. Is there something special I need to do to reproduce this? Would you please give me some more details about the Unity version and OS you use?

I have the same issue. For me it's simply a matter of switching between Iso and Perspective. Thanks.

Unity version: 4.5.0f6
OS: Windows 7 pro SP1

[Image: interface_02.png]
I tested again on another machine, using Win 7 and Unity 4.5.1.f3, here's the result:

As it looks the same in 4.2 and 4.3 for me, I guess the updated 4.5 doesn't make the difference. Also, I played around with multiple Window layouts and rearranged editor windows etc...

It's hard to solve an issue that isn't reproduceable on my side, but somewhere we need to start:

Could you please edit \Curvy\Editor\Toolbar\Toolbar.cs, Line 233, and add a "Debug.Log(toolbarRect);" after the line "Rect toolbarRect = getToolbarOrientedRect();". In default orientation (left side), the result is x=5, y=10, w=116, h=30.

Btw, please try other toolbar locations (top,right,bottom) and displays (icons,text only) and see if that makes any difference. You can access those properties using Editor->Preferences from the main menu.


PS: Did you know? You can save images as attachments. Once done, there is an option to show the attachment in your post! It's a faster workflow than saving images anywhere on the web.




I'm getting the same Rect. Changing to text/Icon and the screen location had no effect. The toolbar goes up by one button height in perspective. I tried it on my laptop, no problem there. Same OS, similar video cards, diferent processers and RAM. I'll be glad to export sys config reports, just tell me what you need. You are welcom to even logon/share my PC, i have used joinme. Thanks.
Could you try to create a new project, import just Curvy and see if it works? I've seen the weirdest effects when Unity screwed a project (most likely by updating an existing project to a new version or a failed save process). Seeing a lot of packages in your project, maybe some other package changes default UI or SceneView setttings...

Basically the Toolbar just uses GUI.Button(), and if the first rect is calculated right (and your debug confirms that), the result should look the same. 
(07-09-2014, 07:02 PM)'Jake' Wrote: Could you try to create a new project, import just Curvy and see if it works? I've seen the weirdest effects when Unity screwed a project (most likely by updating an existing project to a new version or a failed save process). Seeing a lot of packages in your project, maybe some other package changes default UI or SceneView setttings...

Basically the Toolbar just uses GUI.Button(), and if the first rect is calculated right (and your debug confirms that), the result should look the same. 


That's it. I'm working in a cleen project now (sorting out connections) without the UI issue. Can the OP list the packages he has, i'll list mine and we can narrow it down. You know, I was unaware of the options, moving the toolbar to the bottom of the screen fixed it for me. I wouldnt waste any time on it. Thanks.


for me the error occure anyway of creating a new project or not, and I use curvy in my project ONLY!
win7 64, unity 4.5.1

I didnt get rid of it.
Is there any workaround for it, so I can work with?

int offs = 0;
if (editor.mode.perspective) {offs = 25}; = offs;

Hmm... but I think that didnt work anyway because the visibility aspect is difference from the mouse input.

Jake. Would it possible that your on w32. I can't see DX11 in your screenshot

Thanks and kind regards

[Image: curvybug.gif]

(Henry Ford) Each hour more of searching is each hour less of your live time.

(07-11-2014, 01:39 PM)'Roger Cabo' Wrote: Jake. Would it possible that your on w32. I can't see DX11 in your screenshot

DX11 is an option that can be enabled on a project base. I enabled it and it works, too. If you add the debug line I mentioned in my previous post, is the result the same for you as for me and Bryan?

Roger, any news on this?

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