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Programming a first-person player/camera to follow a Curvy Spline
I'm interested in purchasing this spline tool, but I have a few questions to make sure this tool is a good fit. I am working on an interactive exhibit for a museum where two players race against each other on bikes through a terrain. Will Curvy allow me to move two first-person view cameras independently along a spline for split-screen gameplay?

Also, can I move these cameras along the spline in real-time through user input/scripting? I need to move these cameras using two particular scenarios. One, the simplest way, using arrow keys (forward/backward) to increment/decrement the Path Position. Two, more complicated, but ultimately the way I actually need to do it is to move the cameras dynamically along the path using an ever-changing range of values (coming in through Arduinos), 0 to 100 for instance, to simulate speed.

I know this is probably a pretty big question, but if anyone could just point me in the right direction, or if you have any insight or particular examples or tutorials that you've come across that address these questions, I would appreciate the help immensely! Thank you!
This is doable using Curvy Splines:
You will probably need to use the Spline Controller component, which is one of the three available controllers.
This component allows to move an object along a spline. You can set the position and/or speed of the controller, both via editor/animator and API.
This tutorial shows how to do a simple setup of a controller:

For more information, here is the user manual for the Controllers, followed by the API Reference of both SplineController, and the class it inherits from, CurvyController:

Feel free to ask me for more details.
I hope this helped. Have a nice day
Please consider leaving a review for Curvy. This will help a lot keeping Curvy relevant in the eyes of the Asset Store algorithm.

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