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Calling Update with defined deltatime
Hey Aka,

hope you are fine.
I have a SplineController component on my GameObject which handles the spline movement which is fine, I calculate the speed of my object and it the controller sets the object to the right position and cares about events, etc.
I know that I can set when the updating should be handled, Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate, but that's not exactly what I need.
I am working on a multiplayer game and I need to call Update manually, but with a defined timeframe. The splinecomponent update probably does something like position+=speed*time.deltatime. But I need to calculate the position for interpolation between different snapshots I receive from the server, so instead of time.deltatime I need to set the delta time by my own. Is there a way to do this with the controller?
I know that I can do the calculation by my own and calc the position instead of the controller, but then I need to handle all the other stuff by my own as well.. like the behavior at spline end, events, etc.. So if it's possible I would like to avoid doing everything by my own.

Best regards,
Please check the documentation, and if possible the code, of the following methods. At least one of them should be useful to you.
To disable the automatic update, please add another value to CurvyUpdateMethod, for example CurvyUpdateMethod.None, and use it. Checking the Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate of CurvyController should help you understand what I mean.
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(01-25-2023, 12:17 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi
Please check the documentation, and if possible the code, of the following methods. At least one of them should be useful to you.
To disable the automatic update, please add another value to CurvyUpdateMethod, for example CurvyUpdateMethod.None, and use it. Checking the Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate of CurvyController should help you understand what I mean.
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This sounds exactly like what I need.. I will check this. Thank you very much, I read the docs so often but I didn't remember these ones. Thank you very much!
You are welcome. Have a nice day
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