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Scene 51 questions
Hello, just starting with Curvy. I went through the example scenes and watched the latest tutorials (the old ones are not that good as you know).
I'm interested in adapting scene 51 to make infinite racing game.
I'd like to generate track prefabs along the spline - same way it's done there, just using prefabs instead of extruding shape. And also generate surroundings as in rail track scene. Although I want the car to move freely - not sure yet how to approach enemy AI in this scenario.
I looked into the code but would love to see deeper explanation of the workings.
Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Sorry but I am not sure what your request is. Are you asking about how to approach the AI, or how to generate the track/objects around the track?
Thanks and have a nice day
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Hello, sorry for the confusion. First I need a procedurally generated track.
And I think scene 51 is a good starting point.
I mentioned AI, as that will be a next task to do, just to give a context of what I intend to achieve eventually.
Scene 29bis_CGDeformMesh_Railway showS how to set a track using mesh deformation and not mesh extrusion.
About generating surrounding objects, multiple example scenes show how to that, for example: 28_AsteroidBelt, 25_CGExtrusionAdvanced, 22_CGClonePrefabs
As you stated, scene 51 shows how to switch between generators to give the illusion of an infinite track.
By combining the techniques used in all the scenes above (plus reading the documentation), you should be able to achieve the intended result.
About the IA, I am no expert in that field, but I guess you will have to use Curvy's API in your AI's script to get and set the distance from the nearest spline. See CurvySpline.GetNearestPoint for example.
Please let me know if you have any specific question I haven't answered yet.
Have a nice day
Let me know if y
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