12-30-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi There !
I just found your plugin and I'm really amazed with its features (and its affordable price). I think really more people should know about it.
However a have a few questions :
- Is it possible now, or in a next feature to add a conform script in order to to draw (for exemple) a road on a terrain with it's relief ?
And then move the entire road onto this terrain
Here is what I would like : (at 1min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxSeFl6JmJQ
(sorry it's the only link I found on the subject).
- Do you know if the "SplinePathMeshBuilder" script could work in network in real time?
- In the "SplinePathMeshBuilder" script, is it posssible to scale the UVS in both X and Y axis ?
Thanks a lot in advance and again, thank you so much for this awesome tool
I just found your plugin and I'm really amazed with its features (and its affordable price). I think really more people should know about it.
However a have a few questions :
- Is it possible now, or in a next feature to add a conform script in order to to draw (for exemple) a road on a terrain with it's relief ?
And then move the entire road onto this terrain
Here is what I would like : (at 1min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxSeFl6JmJQ
(sorry it's the only link I found on the subject).
- Do you know if the "SplinePathMeshBuilder" script could work in network in real time?
- In the "SplinePathMeshBuilder" script, is it posssible to scale the UVS in both X and Y axis ?
Thanks a lot in advance and again, thank you so much for this awesome tool