When compiling the code in the console I get 20 warnings. All warnings are of type CS0618. Here is an example of one of them:
I use:
Unity 4.3.1f1
Curvi 1.51.0
What is the reason? How can I resolve it?
Thank you for your attention.
When compiling the code in the console I get 20 warnings. All warnings are of type CS0618. Here is an example of one of them:
Assets/Curvy/Editor/CurvySplineSegmentInspector.cs(488,14): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterSceneUndo(string)' is obsolete: `Use DestroyObjectImmediate, RegisterCreatedObjectUndo or RegisterUndo instead.'
I use:
Unity 4.3.1f1
Curvi 1.51.0
What is the reason? How can I resolve it?
Thank you for your attention.