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Spline extrusion gaps
Hi, I'm new to curvy.
I have a spline extrusion path that i use for roads, 
I use spline information for sideways movement relative to spline path.

I want to know how can I create gaps on the spline extrusion mesh? Like I have a spline path I need to follow, there is a generated mesh along that path, but I want that generated mesh to have gaps at specific areas so I can replace the gap with obstacles like water/hole on the road. 

Like I want a 2m gap at CP2, how can I achieve something like this?

The Range parameter allows you to make an extrusion on a subsection of the path spline.
For N holes, you will need to have N+1 extrusion modules (basically N+1 solid sections of the path). This can be tedious to do by hand. I recommend using the API to automatically create and configure the modules. You can see that done in the Infinite Track example scene.

Maybe, depending on your specific case, you can have the desired effect by extruding the mesh on the whole path, but scaling down the extrusion in the parts that will be hidden by the obstacles.

I hope this helped
Have a nice day
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