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Would you so kind and FIX the ISO/Perspective bug as asoon as possible
I tested again on another machine, using Win 7 and Unity 4.5.1.f3, here's the result:

As it looks the same in 4.2 and 4.3 for me, I guess the updated 4.5 doesn't make the difference. Also, I played around with multiple Window layouts and rearranged editor windows etc...

It's hard to solve an issue that isn't reproduceable on my side, but somewhere we need to start:

Could you please edit \Curvy\Editor\Toolbar\Toolbar.cs, Line 233, and add a "Debug.Log(toolbarRect);" after the line "Rect toolbarRect = getToolbarOrientedRect();". In default orientation (left side), the result is x=5, y=10, w=116, h=30.

Btw, please try other toolbar locations (top,right,bottom) and displays (icons,text only) and see if that makes any difference. You can access those properties using Editor->Preferences from the main menu.


PS: Did you know? You can save images as attachments. Once done, there is an option to show the attachment in your post! It's a faster workflow than saving images anywhere on the web.





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