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Make connection between 2 control points
 So If I've already got a spline with say 3 control points, then I want to connect a 2nd spline to the first but between the 2nd and 3rd control point ( CP0001 & CP0002 ) 
how could I do that please.

You can connect control points only at control points. So in your case, you will have to create a control point at the desired position and then make the connection at that level.
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Also, the Shift and Subdivide tools in the toolbar might help in your task
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Hi. I just wondered if there was a built in way if doing that.
As what i want to achieve will be at runtime what i could do is store the info of each control point then redraw the spline but adding the new connection control point at the appropriate place, ie if between cp 1 and 2 the new control point would become cp0002 then all subsequent control points would be one number higher it'd that makes sense.
The Subdivide tool is the built-in way but it will add the new CP halfway in between the existing two CPs.
The Shift tool is the built-in way to move a CP on the spline between its neighboring CPs
Other than this, you will have to use the API to do what you described
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Hi again, I've almost achieved what I want to achieve. Hopefully just one more question :
If I want to add a connection to say CP0003 and I've got 7 control points ( so I cant use last visible control point ) how could I do that ?

You can access the third cp like this
CurvyConnection is the class for creating connections
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Please consider leaving a review for Curvy. This will help a lot keeping Curvy relevant in the eyes of the Asset Store algorithm.
Sorry for even more questions but this is what I'm doing
( seg is a CurvySplineSegment)

tempExisting_spline_toJoin.ControlPointsList[4].Connection.AddControlPoints (seg);

The above control point does have a connection, when I run this it doesn't give any errors but also doesn't add the control point to the connection.

EDIT : seg is already part of another connection, could that be the reason it wont become part of the above connection ?
Yes, it is because it is already in a connection. It is the same behaviour as the connect tool in the UI. I should make the method return an error message to make things clear
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