I hope it's okay if I ask another question here in case I don't catch you until later. What I'm trying to achieve is to have a gameobject appear at the end of a shape extrusion (currently doing this with a CG Controller), but to not have the gameobject go past the endpoint of the spline (as if it were part of the shape extrusion itself), such that when the shape extrusion Range.To property is set to 1, the whole thing (shape extrusion and gameobject at the end) are within the range of the spline, or something to that effect:
Hopefully this makes sense. I think there are enough properties I have access to to achieve this effect (My current plan is to somehow use the gameobject's mesh renderer bounds in order to offset the shape extrusion), but wanted to know if there is some simpler/built in way to do this, or if you had any insight otherwise.
What currently I'm doing is animating the Range.To property of the shape extrusion from 0 to 1, and I have the gameobject track to the end of the shape extrusion using a CG controller. However, I can't have the gameobject appear beyond the endpoint of the spline. I tried changing the gameobject origin such that none of it would be beyond the spline, but then the shape extrusion would clip through it (I realize as I'm writing that this might work if I could do some kind of masking/boolean operation on the shape extrusion volume mesh):
Anyways, I'm mainly just wondering if you have any suggestion/insight. I'm looking through the examples now to see if there is an example of this type of effect. Thanks (hopefully the images work, they don't appear in the preview but I put the links in)
Update: I found a solution that works for me, I'm just setting the range manually based on the approximate size of the gameobject, such that it doesn't go past the end of the spline. I still want to know if there are other better options for this, since if I want to use different gameobjects in the future, I'd have to manually test/set the range for every different gameobject.