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    Thread: How to send event to generated game object upon ControlPoint deletion?
Post: RE: How to send event to generated game object upo...

toxicfrog Curvy Splines 8 344 12-03-2021, 02:01 PM
    Thread: How to send event to generated game object upon ControlPoint deletion?
Post: RE: How to send event to generated game object upo...

That does help, but it's beyond my abilities to write such a script. However, your replies led me to a new solution that seems to be working as intended! I'm filling the array with children of the G...
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 8 344 12-03-2021, 12:24 AM
    Thread: How to send event to generated game object upon ControlPoint deletion?
Post: RE: How to send event to generated game object upo...

Thank you for the reply! It helps a bit - I am actually sending an event on Refresh to a Playmaker FSM. But, I need to send an event specifically to all the created Game Objects (sleepers) that are ...
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 8 344 12-02-2021, 11:08 PM
    Thread: How to send event to generated game object upon ControlPoint deletion?
Post: How to send event to generated game object upon Co...

Hello Curvy folks! I hope there's a simple solution for what I need to do: I have a generator that creates game objects along the spline (imagine sleepers on a train track). As these objects are...
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 8 344 12-02-2021, 09:41 PM
    Thread: Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!
Post: RE: Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!

*DESPERATE BUMP* Please, if someone here has these actions, I would very much appreciate it if you'd email them to me! If you look at this page, it clearly shows 'CurvyMoveAlongSpline' as an ...
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 3 6,232 04-11-2017, 05:29 PM
    Thread: Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!
Post: RE: Missing Playmaker Actions

Do others using Curvy and Playmaker have these actions? I've attached a screenshot to show that they are not in my Custom Actions folder. I desperately need these actions to finish a project I'm work...
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 3 6,232 04-10-2017, 07:40 PM
    Thread: Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!
Post: Curvy - Missing Playmaker Actions! HELP!

Hello, I bought Curvy specifically so I could animate an object along a spline using Playmaker. I downloaded the Playmaker Custom Actions from
toxicfrog Curvy Splines 3 6,232 04-09-2017, 02:31 AM