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    Thread: Curvy Line Renderer for UI Spline?
Post: RE: Curvy Line Renderer for UI Spline?

It's strange, I managed to get it to display in a test scene, but when I copied the setup to the main scene they aren't visible in game view again for some reason. It's very strange. The object ha...
gekido Curvy Splines 5 11 04-03-2024, 11:13 PM
    Thread: Curvy Line Renderer for UI Spline?
Post: Curvy Line Renderer for UI Spline?

Trying to use the Curvy UI Spline, but I can't seem to get it to draw in the game view on my canvas no matter what?  I have the following setup on my game object - Curvy UI Spline with spline dr...
gekido Curvy Splines 5 11 03-28-2024, 05:19 PM
    Thread: Get position of all control points for a spline
Post: Get position of all control points for a spline

Hello, Just starting out with Curvy, sorry of this is a dumb question. I'm trying to do what feels like it should be very simple.  I'm using a Curvy UI Spline to create a path for a 2d world map...
gekido Curvy Splines 1 9 03-28-2024, 12:12 AM