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Robe or Wire

Is there anyone who tried to use splinepath as wire or rope by adding collider & rigidbody & joint  for each CP?
I never tried that. So you want to the physical objects to update at each physics frame and then update the position of the CPs based on the simulation?
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(11-20-2019, 07:05 PM)_Aka_ Wrote: Hi,
I never tried that. So you want to the physical objects to update at each physics frame and then update the position of the CPs based on the simulation?

Yes, Similar to rope tutorials  on internet. They use bones. I dont need %100 rope simulating . The object(wire) i want to move is stiff.
Ok. So to answer strictly your question, no I have never tried to do that. I might sound like captain obvious here, but if I had to do it, I would use Unity physics, and at the start and/or end of each physics frame I would synchronize between Curvy's data and the physical model.
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